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We are the middle ground!


ICAMEK facilitates trade and business in Uganda by providing a neutral, independent and Impartial venue for resolution of commercial disputes. We provide dispute resolution services to the Uganda parties and the international business community who wish to have their disputes resolved outside of the public courtroom.

Being an appointing authority, ICAMEK ensures that Arbitrator’s and Conciliators are sufficiently certified and properly vetted to a world class standard.

Determination of disputes by Experts

Flexible methods of resolving disputes

ICAMEK provides state-of-the-art institutional support to arbitral tribunals and parties in international and domestic arbitration in order to facilitate the efficient conduct of proceedings

ICAMEK also provides administrative support in other forms of alternative dispute resolution, including mediation and conciliation.



Arbitrators are chosen based on their knowledge/expertise and skills.


Procedures can be designed by the parties and the tribunal.



Parties can ensure that their disputes are resolved at an independent neutral venue and seat.



Awards are enforceable internationally thanks to the New York Convention.

Our Arbitration Process

Files its request for arbitration and pays the registration fee.

The request for arbitration is the equivalent to the public court’s lawsuit and is submitted by the Claimant (the requesting party) to the Arbitration Centre (ICAMEK) via email (file@icamek.org) or physically at 4th Floor trust tower.

The request should be filed together proof of payment (details of payment are included in the request for arbitration form)

Under the ICAMEK Rules the registration fee amounts to UGX. 350,000/=

The Centre writes to the Respondent to notify them of the request for arbitration
Claimant and Respondent
Each party pays its part of the advance on costs.
Pays its part of the advance on costs.
Payment of the advance fees.

Based on the parties’ claims, the ICAMEK calculates the advance on costs which is paid by the parties in equal shares unless otherwise stated in the arbitration agreement.

Pays its part of the advance on costs.


Transmits the case to the Arbitral Tribunal.

When the advances are paid and the arbitral tribunal is constituted, the ICAMEK refers the case to the arbitral tribunal, for them to continue the proceedings.

Submits its statement of claim.
Arbitral Tribunal

The function of the Arbitral Tribunal is to conduct the arbitration in such manner as it considers appropriate.

The Arbitral Tribunal shall promptly after receiving the file consult with the aprties with a view to establishing a provisional timetable for the conduct of the arbitration.

The parties shall be given time to submit their Statement of Claim (Claimant) and Statement of Defence (Respondent).


The Statement of Claim shall include:

  • the specific relief sought;
  • the material circumstances on which the Claimant relies; and
  • the documents on which the Claimant relies

The Statement of Defence shall include:

  • any objections concerning the existence, validity or applicability of the arbitration agreement;
  • a statement whether, and to what extent, the Respondent admits or denies the relief sought by the Claimant;
  • the material circumstances on which the Respondent relies;
  • any counterclaim or set-off and the grounds on which it is based; and
  • the documents on which the Respondent relies
Submits its statement of defence.

The Arbitral Tribunal

Summons the Parties to a Hearing.

A hearing shall be held if requested by a party, or if deemed appropriate by the Arbitral Tribunal. The Arbitral Tribunal shall, in consultation with the parties, determine the date, time and location of any hearing.

If a party, without showing good cause, fails to appear at a hearing, the Arbitral Tribunal may proceed with the arbitration and render an award.

The Arbitral Tribunal

Renders an award.

The final award shall be rendered 

The Arbitral Tribunal may decide a separate issue or part of the dispute in a separate award.

An award is final and binding on the parties when rendered. By agreeing

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